Today, we will learn how to install WordPress from the Webuzo Panel.
Before starting, we must log in to the Webuzo Panel.
After logging in to the Webuzo Panel, we can find WordPress options in multiple ways.
- Searching from the search bar
- Going to the Softaculous Option
- From the Left navigation bar
- From the right side top bar (clicking on the WordPress icon)
- From the section Applications
Let's do it from Applications!
Step 01: Searching WordPress Manager: After scrolling down, we'll find the Applications section.
We'll click on the WordPress Manager option.Step 02: WordPress Dashboard: The system will open the WordPress Manager Dashboard. From this dashboard, we can see whether any installed WordPress is there.
As we didn't install WordPress yet, the dashboard is empty.
Step 03: Going WordPress installation Page: We can see the first button is the Install button. After clicking on that button, a new interface will be opened. There are multiple sections. Let's introduce those sections.
This is the first section. From this section, we can set the domain name, navigate the directory & choose the WordPress version.The following setup is recommended.
- We have to choose https:// from the Choose Protocol field.
- We have to choose the desired domain name from the Choose Domain field. Here, I chose the main domain name (cornq.net). A sub-domain name can be chosen from here too.
- We have to keep the In Directory field blank. If there is anything written, then we have to remove it.
- From the Version Selection field, we have to choose our desired WordPress version. Choosing the latest version is recommended.
Follow the instructions,
- Write your site name.
- Write a Site Description in a sentence.
- Don't mark WPMU if you don't have enough knowledge about Multisite.
- Don't mark Disable WordPress Cron.
- Write an Admin username.
- Set a strong password.
- Write a valid email address in the Admin Email field.
An email address can be given to get the installation details for further investigation.
Now, we have to click on the Install button.
It'll take a few sec to complete the installation process. After finishing the installation the following interface will be displayed.
The CONGRATULATIONS message page is the final page for this procedure! If we do anything wrong in the WordPress installation process, then we'll get a failure message here.
The WordPress Admin Dashboard can be visited through <domain-name>/wp-admin. We have to write our domain name and then write a slash and after that wp-admin.
We have to use the Admin Username/Email & Password to log in to the WordPress Admin Panel.